G finishes the Cleanse Phase – Advocare 24 Day Challenge


G has officially graduated on to the Max Phase of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge.

I think I am most proud that he took the Challenge seriously. This is a man who fills his days eating honey buns, drinking Red Bulls, and somehow only losing weight. The idea of taking vitamins and supplements has always been lost on him, so I worried that he would cheat along the way.

But…as he often does, he surprised me!

This morning, he weighed himself and lost a little over a pound. He is eventually hoping to GAIN weight as he moves into the Max Phase (and utilizes the Performance Elite products), but he was not too upset with the loss. He admitted that the lost weight was probably his body cleansing itself of salts and all-around toxic substances he often eats.

When I asked him for his honest opinion after the first 10 days, he shared that he felt “like I have more energy” and “my body just feels healthier.” He went on to talk about how impressed he was that 1 Spark in the morning (and rarely a second at lunch) was enough to keep him going as he was accustomed to drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day and then sometimes a Monster in the late afternoon.

He also shared that he is no longer craving most of the foods he used to use as snacks…honeybuns, hot pockets, and soda. He has also refrained from fast food for 10 days (probably an all-time record).

He shared that he is excited to move into the Max Phase and to increase his protein intake (with the Meal Replacement Shakes and Muscle Gain), begin utilizing Muscle Fuel before workouts, and to have the Nighttime Recovery on hand after lifting.

Advocare 24 Day Challenge – Finishing the Cleanse Phase


I made it!

I have successfully completed the first 10 days of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. During the Cleanse Phase, I used Spark (various flavors), the Herbal Cleanse, and OmegaPlex as well as Catalyst. I will be honest and say that I “cheated” a few times, but overall adhered to the food suggestions (the amount of protein, vegetables, fruit, complex carbs, and healthy fats suggested each day), and drank more water than I knew was possible. Okay, that may seem dramatic, but 9-11 glasses of water in one day is A LOT for me. Now, I cannot imagine NOT staying hydrated each day!

My energy is honestly through the roof. One Spark in the morning and I am set for the day. In the past, I would drink coffee throughout the morning, then at least one Diet Mt. Dew around lunch time. I always felt that I was either trying to avoid an energy crash, or reeling from one. Now, I feel consistent energy throughout the day.

All together, I have lost 2.6 lbs (gained a little back…about .8 lbs, but that’s due to non-Advocare bloating). I am VERY happy with that amount as I was not sure if I would be able to lose anything at all after a two year plateau, even when I was working out and eating clean. I also lost 3.5 inches off of my body! I am AMAZED by that number and notice a change in my hips, waist, and arms.

Front day 1 vs Day 11

Day 1 vs Day 11 tilt

I am most impressed with the fact that I LOOK stronger. I can see noticeable muscle tone and have gained  good amount on my left (surgery) leg. During my last physical therapy session she shared my measurements, and my left leg is only 1 inch smaller than my right. That may seem like a lot, but when I came off of crutches it was nearly 5 inches smaller!

Overall, I am 100% happy with my results after the Cleanse Phase and could not be more optimistic as I move into the Max Phase of the Challenge.

I keep hearing how this is not a “diet” or a weight-loss challenge, but an overall wellness challenge. I completely agree with that statement. I feel stronger and more energetic, my cravings have decreased, and I see noticeable changes in my body. This is no fad…this is my new way of life!

Anyone interested should check it out.

Advocare 24 Day Challenge – Day 7


The past few days have been hectic, so I have definitely neglected my blogging. With my husband coming home, a vivacious toddler, and 100 things to do around the house, some days I am happy if I just remember the date!

So, the last time I blogged I was on Day 3. The past 4 days have been pretty similar.

The biggest change has been the discontinuation of the Fiber Drink (until Day 8). ProBiotic Restore ULTRA was added to my morning routine. Overall, I still feel great. The statement that the cleanse is gentle and uneventful is very true. I haven’t had any cramping, bloating, pain, or fear about leaving the house.

I have noticed, however, a change in the way my clothes are fitting. I have extra room in my pants and when I sit, my “mom pouch” is no longer pushing over the top of my jeans. I CANNOT to take my measurements again on Day 11….and have almost cheated a few times!

The Spark is still a great way to start the morning. I have tried the Mandarin Orange, Watermelon, Fruit Punch, Grape, Mango Strawberry, and Cherry. Watermelon and Mandarin Orange are my favorites, but the rest taste great as well. Tomorrow I think I will try the Pink Lemonade because I keep hearing great reviews of that flavor as well!

The Meal Replacement Shakes continue to be a great breakfast option in my home. Yesterday I tried the berry flavor and liked it almost as much as the chocolate. Any of the flavors blended with ice give it a thick consistency (like a milkshake) and fill me up until lunchtime.

I have noticed a huge reduction in cravings. I generally crave cookies, chips, milkshakes (my weakness!), and greasy hamburgers and fries. Today, a friend mentioned wanting a huge hamburger for lunch and it actually sounded unappetizing. That is a HUGE change for me!

My husband is on Day 3 and he is reporting feeling good as well. He REALLY enjoys the Spark in the morning and loved the chocolate Meal Replacement Shake. He shared that he has not had an upset stomach, has felt energetic, and that he is sleeping really well. He has found the diet easy to stick to and is drinking twice his normal amount of water each day.

We have both had the energy to work out each night, including trips to the gym, bike rides as a family, and jogging.

Some recipes we have enjoyed included lemon-pepper grilled pork and and skinnytaste’s Zucchini Noodles with Lemon-Garlic Spicy Shrimp. That recipe was a HIT in our home and a must try!

I cannot wait until Day 11 and my mid-challenge weigh-in and measurements. I am 100% confident that I will see a change in both measures!

Advocare 24 Day Challenge – My husband signed on!


Anyone knows my husband and me, knows that we are complete opposites. He is extroverted, goofy, and energetic. I am calm, reserved, and introverted. I am sure we look like a walking case study as we have not only made our relationship work through long-distance dating and deployment, but we seem to grow stronger every day.

Our body types are no different. I am hour-glass shaped and (especially now that I am older and do not have the time to work out for hours a day like I did when I was younger) I have to watch what I eat, ensure I do not eat too many carbs, and always stress about gaining weight.

G, on the other hand, CANNOT gain weight. At 5’10” tall, he naturally hovers around 150 lbs, but will quickly lose weight if he “sits around and eats terribly.” Seriously?! It’s like he is an alien….

So, why is he choosing to begin the 24 Day Challenge.

First of all, the Advocare 24 Day Challenge is NOT a weight-loss challenge. It is a wellness challenge. The cleanse and max phases are designed to cleanse your system for toxins, prep your body to fully absorb nutrients and supplements, and to increase overall health and wellness. Weight loss is generally just a wonderful side effect of living a healthy life and fueling your body correctly.

G has just returned from a month-long military training that included nearly a month in the field eating MREs. When I arrived home, it was obvious that he had been eating terribly and had lost weight and muscle mass. After looking through the Advocare literature, he decided to begin the Performance Elite 24 Day Challenge. This challenge includes the 10 day cleanse phase but then includes the Performance Elite products for the next 2 weeks (and into the maintenance phase) to fuel your body during workouts and help your body increase lean muscle mass. G is also hoping to gain a bit of weight.

Gregg’s goals for the next 24 days include increased energy, weight gain, and increase lean muscle mass.

I could not be more excited to have him join me in this journey and to have him on board to improve our health so we can be the best parents (and spouses) possible!

You can visit Choose your Challenge to learn about the different Challenges and the Advocare website to learn about each product.

Advocare 24 Day Challenge – Days 2 and 3


Alright…I am completing day 3…

…and I still feel great!

I am sitting down, after my second workout of the day and still just as excited and hopeful as the first day. I feel more confident with my food choices and my energy is still much higher than usual. I am even convincing my 2 year-old to eat healthier with me!

In recap:

Day 2

I woke up early because I had physical therapy early. I enjoyed my Spark (Mango Strawberry) and Fiber Drink. Well, I don’t know if I ENJOYED the Fiber Drink, but I was able to drink it faster and did not gag as I finished the entire glass. It still is not the taste that bothers me, but more the texture. That gritty, filling texture. I just remind myself I only have a few more days of the drink…

For breakfast I made 2 eggs and topped them with the leftover avocado/tuna mixture from dinner on Day 1. I did not feel as full as the day before (when enjoying the meal replacement shake), but I was definitely satisfied. I took 3 Catalyst before heading out of the door.

Physical therapy usually lasts about 2 hours and now includes running about a mile, 10 minutes on the elliptical, a full strength workout, and some jumping drills. I felt good throughout all of the exercises, but was ready for my mid-morning snack (a banana) once I finished.

For lunch I enjoyed a spinach salad topped with the rest of the avocado/tuna mixture. (I knew it would not keep long and I hate wasting food…but I will be ready to take a few days off of any tuna). I also ate some mixed fruit.

I ate some hummus and rice cakes (not together) for a snack as I prepared Chicken Florentine with spinach (an adapted, healthier version with no cheese) for dinner. I paired the chicken with some steamed vegetables and felt very full after.

After putting my son to bed, I felt pretty tired, but that could be due to a 2 hour workout in the morning and a full night of sleep. I still had the energy to clean my house and to finalize some paperwork, but decided against another short workout.

Today my water intake was less (9 cups), but still above my minimum.


Day 3

I woke up SO THIRSTY. I never thought my body could crave water like it has been the past 2 days. I immediately drank half of a glass of water and mixed a Mandarin Orange Spark. After getting ready for the day, I drank my Fiber Drink (which was even easier to get down today…I must be getting faster) and mixed a vanilla meal replacement shake. I am a chocolate girl so the chocolate shake is my favorite, but the smooth and creamy texture of the vanilla was very enjoyable. By the time I was done, however, I felt like I was going to burst. I am not used to feeling so full in the morning!

For my mid-day snack I had a banana and I ate leftover Chicken Florentine (with spinach), some celery, and an orange.  I was able to sneak away from work a little early so I went to the gym to do some strength training and to run/walk intervals for about 1.75 miles. I am still slow as I work my knee back into full runs, but my body felt strong as I ran.

For dinner I made cajun blackened salmon (using olive oil instead of butter), steamed broccoli, and pineapple. My son LOVED the salmon and even asked for more!

After dinner I was SO FULL (as I may have gorged myself on broccoli), but the feeling decreased as I went through my evening routine. After putting my son to bed I had enough energy that I opted for a second workout. I completed the 30 minute Les Mills Plyo HIIT video (it’s a killer!) and prepped a turkey chili for dinner on Day 4.



Overall, I am feeling good. Having enough energy for ONE workout used to be a good day. Now, I just completed TWO workouts and both had a lot of cardio. I am impressed with how strong my body feels and the consistent increased energy. I am also feeling better about drinking the Fiber Drink and have found that just slamming it down is the best way for me to finish the glass. Now, I am a “texture person” and struggle with eating anything that has a “strange” texture, so this may not be as difficult for someone else.

I was also initially worried about the “Cleanse” aspect as I have heard stories about other cleanses (and people feeling married to the bathroom). Advocare describes this cleanse as “gentle and uneventful” and I would have to agree. I have not had any cramping or discomfort in my stomach and I feel completely confident going to work, running, and living my busy life.

I am also constantly feeling full. I almost worry that I must be doing something wrong to always feel this way. I know this is not a diet, but still…people lose an average of 12 lbs…so I am hoping that the full feeling is due to hydration and filling my body with good foods and not because I am binging on fruits and vegetables!


Advocare 24 Day Challenge – Day 1


Today was the long-awaited first day of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I bought the challenge a few weeks ago, but set today as the 1st day (so that I could safely  make it through Easter).

I measured myself over the weekend and took my “before” pictures while I had company to take them for me. Side note: Wow! Really looking at your before pictures is amazing…especially when you have allowed work and other obligations to keep you from working out and eating right! Although I do not have a lot of weight that I want to lose, I do want to tone up my body and reclaim the tight abs and toned legs and arms. Here’s to big changes….

I woke up with my alarm at 5:40 am. Usually, I would have laid in bed for as long as physically possible before showering and getting ready. I immediately woke up and weighed myself. Eek. My “official” starting weight! The Challenge states that you should drink the Spark 30 minutes before breakfast so I ran downstairs to mix a Mandarin Orange Spark before my shower. I skipped the Catalyst in the morning because I knew I would workout (or at least hoped I would have the energy) in the evening.

Once ready for the day, I tackled the Citrus Fiber Drink. Through all of my research, I determined that this may be the most challenging portion and for me…it was. I am a person who can hardly stomach “strange” textures (jello, some puddings, tofu, etc) so the Fiber Drink was almost more than I could take. The taste was not bad but the consistency was thick and gritty. I chugged it the best that I could and moved on. I noticed almost immediately that I felt very full.

For breakfast I decided to opt for a Chocolate Meal Replacement Shake blended with water and ice. It was DELICIOUS and SO filling! I almost felt guilty drinking it at breakfast because it tasted like a milkshake. :)In the past I have used other meal replacement shakes (such as Slimfast) but I never fell truly full and would often need to eat the meal on top of the shake because it was not enough. This is NOT the case with the Advocare shakes! With 24 grams of protein I felt confident that these shakes would last me throughout the morning.  I can get used to that in the morning!

I packed my lunch bag and water (2-24oz Nalgene bottles and a separate 16 oz water bottle) and headed to work.

I was “late” for my first snack of the day due to meetings and felt very full as I attempted to eat my apple. I ate what I could and moved on.

For lunch I packed a mixed greens salad (Kale, butter lettuce, and spinach) with light organic dressing and two hard boiled eggs. I ate most of my salad, but skipped the extra fruit that I brought. By lunch time I successfully drank 1 24-oz Nalgene bottle filled with water.

I was able to complete my second Nalgene bottle filled with water before returning home after work. For someone that normally drinks 3-4 cups of water in a day, this was a big change for me!

I skipped my second snack because I was too full to attempt to eat anything else.

I was full and satisfied until dinner. I decided to make tuna avocado boats (tuna, avocado, dijon mustard, a tiny bit of red onion, lemon juice and cilantro) with some raspberries on the side. The recipe can be found here. I drank another cup of water and took my OmegaPlex. Thank goodness for gel capsules. They do not have a chalky coating and had no bad aftertaste.  I felt satisfied for about an hour when the “munchies” hit HARD. Normally, I would reach for baked chips, cheese, or a granola bar but resisted the urge and ate a little bit of hummus, a few rice cakes, and a spoonful of lentil salad. I know…not the most delicious sounding options but I was set on NOT ruining the challenge on day 1!

After putting my son to bed, I felt GREAT and full of energy so I took 3 Catalyst and completed the Les Mills Combat Power Kata video (45 minutes). I kicked, punched, and drank another 16 oz bottle of water!

After stretching, I grabbed another cup of water (my 11th cup of water for the day!) and added some Peach Rehydrate to recover from a serious workout. I also took my 3 Herbal Cleanse caplets. The capsules easily went down with a small drink of water, and again, no bad aftertaste!

Even after the workout (at 10:00pm) I feel energized on focused! As I sit here, drinking my Rehydrate, I am still amazed with the energy that I have maintained throughout the day.

My New Mission – The Advocare 24 Day Challenge!


I am excited to embark on a new test…the Advocare 24 Day Challenge!

I often wake up in the morning feeling just as tired as when I went to bed. This feeling has lasted throughout the day and has left me feeling slow, sluggish, and unproductive. By the time I return home, I am counting down the hours until I can go to bed again.

Through a friend, I was introduced to the Advocare Spark and immediately fell in love. The great flavor, instant focus, and lack of “crash” allowed me to feel more “myself” throughout the day and I noticed an improved productivity at work.

That same friend introduced me to the 24 Day Challenge, but I was initially skeptical. Initially, I thought that it was some “starvation diet” that would leave me broke and craving real food. She urged me to actually research the challenge before writing it off.

To be compliant, I agreed, but doubted that I would decide to invest in the challenge. Luckily, I took the time to research Advocare, its products, and the lasting results so many have found with the challenge.

The first thing that stuck out to me was I found a Challenge booklet that asked me to rate my energy from a scale of 1-10 during the day. I sadly realized that a 3 was about average. For fitness and health, I would give myself a solid 5.

That, to be honest, is sad.

But before choosing to ingest anything, I wanted to ensure that the company’s products and vision made me feel confident in the company’s ability to make a quality product. From what I researched, Advocare was built from the vision that people could improve their lives through superior nutrition and fitness. Professionals from the fields of nutrition, pharmacology, biology, kinesiology and medicine have worked together to develop products basekd on solid ingredients and the newest research.

I was already sold on Spark, but was impressed to find Advocare’s utilization of OmegaPlex (Omega 3 supplement) and CorePlex multivitamins within the challenge. I was also very ready to begin taking the 24g of protein within the Meal Replacement Shake. For years I had used other shakes that offered half the protein and always made me feel hungry and ready for another meal.

So, what does this challenge entail?

24 day challenge info

Days 1-10 of the 24 Day Challenge consist of the Cleanse Phase. This phase cleanses your body of toxins and helps prep your body for optimal nutrient absorption during the Max Phase. Friends had reported losing up to 10 pounds during this phase and feeling more energized.

The Cleanse Phase utilizes the Herbal Cleanse to help cleanse and detoxify your system, OmegaPlex essential fatty acids for wellness, and Advocare Spark for energy and mental focus.

Days 11-24 of the 24 Day Challenge make up the Max Phase that gives your body the best tools available to achieve weight loss or management.

The Max Phase utilizes Advocare Spark, the Meal Replacement Shakes (with a vegetarian option), and the Metabolic Nutrition Systems (MNS). For the MNS packets, you are given three choices:

Max C for maximum appetite control

Max E for maximum energy


Max 3 for appetite control and overall wellness


I felt comfortable with each phase and quickly purchased my challenge products, choosing the chocolate meal replacement shakes and the MNS 3 packet.

As I get ready to begin my challenge on Monday, April 28th, I am anxious to see my results. I have looked through tons of recipes online and on Pinterest (Advocare also offers recipes), I have taken my measurements, and I have taken pictures to document how I looked pre-challenge. My fridge is currently stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables and I have two friends beginning the challenge with me to offer support and healthy competition.

I hope to achieve 5 things:

*Feel more energized and focused throughout the day

*Feel an overall sense of wellness and happiness with my body each day

*Lose 5-8 lbs

*Lose 5-10 inches

*Lose 2-5% body fat

I also chose to add on the Catalyst and ThermoPlus products to help me maintain my muscle mass as I work to lose the fat (Catalyst) and to help boost my metabolism (ThermoPlus).

I plan to share my experience throughout the 24 Day Challenge to not only give my honest review, but to help others who are ready to try their own challenge. I look forward to seeing the changes in myself and my friends over the next month and to feel more comfortable in my skin by the end of May.

If you never change, then nothing will ever change. I am ready to reclaim my body and my wellness. There is no day like today!

To visit the Advocare 24 Day Challenge website, visit this website. With additional questions regarding the challenge or Advocare products, please feel free to email advocarekms@gmail.com.

Things I Love – Advocare Spark


I wish I could pinpoint the moment I started to feel exhausted.

I remember feeling this way while pregnant. Then, I had a sweet little baby who kept me up day and night. At 11 weeks postpartum, I returned to work and juggled working full-time, family, and attempts to get back into running shape.

For nearly three years now, I have felt exhausted.

I have tried multiple ways to get the “pick me up” I used to have, but kept finding things that made me jittery or gave me a huge “crash” after a few hours.

Then I found Spark.

At first I was skeptical. People raved about the energy, sugar-less formula, and the lack of “crash” later in the day. It seemed too good to be true, but due to desperation, I gave in to the hype and decided to try it myself.

And I fell in love.

Spark claims to:

  • Enhances mental energy and focus
  • Provides support for long-lasting energy
  • Helps fight occasional drowsiness
  • 21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients
  • Sugar-free and only 45 calories
  • Helps reduce free radicals

Mixed with water (I drink it cold), it tastes like flavored water. I almost immediately feel more energized and have a marked change in focus and energy throughout the day. The change is so apparent, that my staff will actually pop in and ask if I had my Spark for the day! When drinking too much coffee or pop, I tend to get a jittery “haze” throughout the day and struggle to complete paperwork. I never have this experience with Spark and actually feel focused and attentive, even when writing tedious reports.

I do not feel a crash mid-day and it actually lasts me until the evening. I find most evenings that I even have energy to workout once I put my son to bed. By late evening, I am appropriately tired and ready for bed.

The famed Spark (or “mommy juice” in some circles) lives up to the hype.

Every mommy needs a good boost!

Every mom needs a good boost!

If you have not looked into it, I suggest you visit this site and research the ingredients yourself. I have enjoyed each flavor that I have tried to date. Watermelon is my favorite. 🙂